Wednesday, October 21, 2015

They're Here!

Here are the pictures of the arriving missionaries.   I tried to call the number we had on your son recommendation form but no one answered.  I talked to your son to get the information to send you his arrival pictures but we were so busy neither he or I got to it.  He has had a great time so far and he will make a great asset to the Lords work her in Tennessee.    I love the Hamilton Area.  I was raise in the Big Hole near Jackson Mt.  So Elder Jessop an I get to talk about Fishing in the Big Hole.  Have a great day. Call me anytime you have any questions.   Elder Walbom  Mission Secretary.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Warm Cans of Coke and Weird Luck

Anyone who knows me knows that I have weird luck. Not bad luck, not good luck... just weird luck. LIke nothing truly that bad happens but i have a gift for having an unusual amount of mild inconveniences happening to me that doesnt happen to anyone else. Just imagine stubbing your pinky toe on a door way 400 times. You didnt die, but it definitely wasnt the highlight of the day. Its a great analogy to my life. 

And this is exactly how my mission started off and i dont know why im surprised. I got onto the plane in missoula and right as I walked in, the entire plane smelled like a porta potty. Could you guess where my seat was? yup. right next to the bathroom in the back. And as i was choking on the fecal matter hanging in the air, a typical missoula montana hippie comes walking down the aisle. And i remember praying "please dont sit next to me." He did. He slid in past me and i was happy to notice he smelled like he hadnt showered in a couple years. The only words he said to me were, "It smells like s*** in here man" I think i just nodded and supressed a dry heave from the pungent BO on my left and the crap filled toilet on my right. So the flight from missoula to salt lake is barely an hour. But apparently everyone took laxativesright before they boarded because EVERYONE got up to go. Which meant that bathroom door kept opening and closing.I think the flight attendant noticed me swallowing my throwup about every 5 minutes so she came back, apologized and gave me a whole can of coke. warm coke. See what I mean? not bad luck, not good just weird.

first day of training was weird to say the least. The companion they gave me was my typical weird luck. He started off being being a super nice guy but ended the day in a full body star wars clone trooper onsie. So that was awesome. He really is cool kid though, 18 years old from oregon and knows a lot about Jesus. It just made me uncomfortable how uncomfortabley proud he was to be in a onsie. Anyways by day 2 of training I was ready to leave and give up. Seriously was considering packing my bags and peacing out. and right as I decided to leave I was called to be a district leader. So I stayed. for those of you that dont know there are a few levels of leadership in the training center. Here are the best ways to describe them

Branch President: Old guy that tells you to follow rules like a zombie

Zone Leader: "HI BUDDY THE ELF HERE!! WHATS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR!!!!!!!!!!!!? (in charge of larger amount of people)

District Leader: someone who looks capable enough to not mess up picking up mail (in charge of smaller amount of people) (thats me)

Tech coordinator: "so does everyone here know what an email is?"

Sister Leaders: "lets sing 20 hymns in a row before we start"

I was very honored to be selected as being capable of picking up mail. Anyways Im here decided to stay and endure. Even though i feel like a square peg trying to be fit in a circular hole.  I think this will be a good thing for me. Its getting better but still hard. Hopefully next time I write you guys ill actually be in Tennessee. I leave on monday. Promise Ill be more positive next time. Had to get some sarcasm out.

Love yall! (as ive heard they say in Tennessee)


PS. Jansen moment: Bunch of russians speaking russian to each other. then tell me they like my tie in english. Thought they were still speaking russian and answered, TENNESSEE! not the smartest crayon in the shed.

They're Here!

Here are the pictures of the arriving missionaries.   I tried to call the number we had on your son recommendation form but no one answered....